A Decade of Fighting

It has been a decade now of fighting for the freedom of women and children being sold into sex slavery here in the United States. Many of you have been along for the ride as Guardian Group has tested, pivoted, and perfected our dual strategy approach. I want to thank you for taking a stand with us, whether it has been through seeking training, providing funding, or advocating for the victims of this unfathomable abuse.

As I look back over the progress and impact made this last decade, I am still struck with the deep feeling of urgency that this mission requires. This mission deserves the late nights, the hard conversations, and the uncomfortable asks. Every victim deserves to know that we are doing everything in our power to bring them freedom.

I’m asking today that you would consider becoming a Guardian and joining us as a monthly donor. We know this is an ask we make often, however, we also know this mission is so important that the ask is necessary. We want to reassure you that when we ask it is not just because we want your donation – it means so much more than that.

Becoming a Guardian means that when a desperate mom calls about her missing 15-year-old and she suspects trafficking, that you have helped make sure that the best intelligence team is at the ready to come alongside her and Law Enforcement to help locate her daughter.

When a young girl feels like the whole world has forgotten about her as she endures the worst trauma of her life, day in and day out, she can know that you have made sure the that we are looking for her and helping Law Enforcement create the best plan to provide her recovery and arrest her trafficker.

When a police officer does not have the necessary tools or training to find the technical evidence necessary to arrest and prosecute a trafficker that you have helped make sure that our intelligence team is available to support them until the predator is behind bars and no longer able to hurt anyone else.

Becoming a Guardian means so much more than money. It means victims no longer endure unimaginable levels of abuse and traffickers are held accountable for their actions. It means changing the world.


A Guardian is a disruptor. A protector. A lifeline. A hope giver. A freedom fighter.


So today I humbly ask you to consider becoming a Guardian today.


Until All Are Free,

Jeff Keith

Founder + CEO